Spinworks for mac
Spinworks for mac

  • New feature: deal with TopSpin 3.x and 4.x peak picking files, and with SpinWorks 4.
  • New feature: the output also includes the results of a moment analysis of the spinning.
  • New feature: an error analysis of the initial guess is also included in the report.
  • New feature: using the Error Inspector, the error surface about the best fit can beĮxported as text file for use with spreadsheet applications.
  • The range 0 ≤ μ ≤ 50 are now possible (compared to ± 15 ssbs and μ ≤ 30).
  • New feature: the Herzfeld-Berger tables got recalculated to allow for more spinning sidebandsĪnd greater spans: spinning sideband orders in the range from -30 to +30, and values of μ in.
  • This slide show demonstrates the display of contours and of stick spectra:
  • have a look at the help file, if you need more details: PDF (3.3 MB).
  • Interactive fitting is possible, using stick spectra representing experimental and calculated spectra.
  • The rms error can be displayed as contour map or exported to a file for use with spreadsheet software.
  • The best fit can be graphically displayed as symbol in the contour plot or by comparison of stick spectra using experimental and.
  • Uses the Marquardt-Levenberg nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure to refine the tensor parameters.
  • Starting guesses for the iteration can be obtained automatically using a grid-search, or can be provided interactively.
  • The intensities can be displayed as contour diagrams giving a very instructive visual display of the quality of the data.
  • Parses Bruker TopSpin/XWinNMR/WinNMR and SpinWorks (by Kirk Marat, University of Manitoba) integrals or peak-picking files.
  • Spinworks for mac Spinworks for mac

    Values of μ in the range 0 ≤ μ ≤ 50 (the original tables

    Spinworks for mac

  • The program uses extended Herzfeld-Berger tables, allowing input of up to 30 SSB's and.
  • HBA should also run under Linux using Wine or under Mac OS, also using Wine. To yield chemical shift tensor information.
  • A 32 bit program that runs under MS Windows XP and above and assists in the analysis of spinning-sideband (SSB) intensities in MAS NMR spectra.

  • Spinworks for mac